The touch that makes a man's heart throb

Warm physical contact is a signal of love, and a woman's active touch will make a man's heart flutter. But if you want to capture a man's heart, you must also be careful about your lover's physical contact. When the relationship between two people is...
Gender Topics2024-06-02 20:34:09
The touch that makes a man's heart throb

What are the tests done in the men's department?

Department of Reproductive Andrology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. Many men who encounter problems avoid going to the andrology department because they heard that some examinations are "embarrassing" or even...
Gender Topics2024-06-02 20:33:07
What are the tests done in the men's department?

Men should pay attention to five points when "raising sperm"

Regarding sexual health, the ancients also attached great importance to it. Men are yang and women are yin. Sexual intercourse between husband and wife is not only for passing on the family line, but proper intercourse can also balance the yin and yang of...
Gender Topics2024-06-02 20:32:06
Men should pay attention to five points when "raising sperm"

"Lightweight weddings" are becoming popular

In the marriage market, the post-90s generation has become the main force in getting married. With the changes in social concepts, in recent years, young people's weddings have gradually transformed from the grand, formal, and single-minded weddings of t...
Gender Topics2024-06-02 20:31:04
"Lightweight weddings" are becoming popular

Here are four health care tips to avoid going to the men's department

Squats improve sexual performance and levator ani improves pelvic floor muscles. Department of Reproductive Andrology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Weng Zhiwei. Many andrological “problems” do not actually req...
Gender Topics2024-06-02 20:30:02
Here are four health care tips to avoid going to the men's department

There are three high-risk periods for "can't stand up"

Department of Reproductive Andrology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Weng Zhiwei "The inability to stand up" is a pain for many men. Erectile dysfunction is a common sexual dysfunction in men, which refers to...
Gender Topics2024-06-02 19:34:09

Similar personalities VS complementary personalities, new research tells you which combination of pa

Global Times Health Client Reporter Shi Jie When choosing a partner, people often have this question: Should they find someone with a similar personality to themselves, or should they find someone with a completely different personality? Previous research...
Gender Topics2024-06-02 19:33:07
Similar personalities VS complementary personalities, new research tells you which combination of pa

Whether the erection is good or not depends on the "horn"

Department of Reproductive Andrology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Weng Zhiwei The length of erect penis is something that many men care about. In fact, in terms of "sexual happiness", there is not much diff...
Gender Topics2024-06-02 19:32:05
Whether the erection is good or not depends on the "horn"

Stimulating the clitoris is the "main meal" of sex

Thousands of nerves gather here, light twisting and slow rubbing to reach the climax. Compiled by Sun Kaiyuan. After a passionate lingering, they go to the top of Wushan Mountain. This is the ultimate pleasure that all lovers pursue. But in fact, it is ra...
Gender Topics2024-06-02 19:31:04
Stimulating the clitoris is the "main meal" of sex

The wife's "infertility" is related to her husband's work. 7 reasons may kill th

Global Times Health Client Reporter Zhang Mian has been married for three years, but his wife has never been pregnant. This is very worrying for 29-year-old Xiao Liu. Before, my wife went to the hospital for a check-up, which showed that everything was no...
Gender Topics2024-06-02 19:30:02
The wife's "infertility" is related to her husband's work. 7 reasons may kill th

"Desire but no sex" in your thirties and forties

Reporter Shi Jie "There is no harmonious sex life for more than a month, and the number of sex times is less than 10 times a year." This is the standard for "sexless marriage" recognized by sociologists. A survey data recently released by the American...
Gender Topics2024-06-02 18:34:09
"Desire but no sex" in your thirties and forties

"Being old and having sex" is beautiful

"Old and sexless" is an outdated concept. Even if the sexual function of the elderly is not as good as before, they are by no means incapable of sexual function, nor will they completely lose their sexual desire. When people reach their twilight years,...
Gender Topics2024-06-02 18:33:08
"Being old and having sex" is beautiful
