Reasons why you can't fall in love

1. In this city, every girl over the age of twenty-five has an inherent sensitivity and panic about time. The panic comes from the increasing number and decreasing charm value on birthday cakes year after year. The surroundings are always filled with youn...
Family and Friendship2024-06-05

Holding someone else's hand, remembering him as he once was

Now I occasionally think of Zhong Qiu, occasionally, just occasionally. Zhou Yu is the son of his father’s comrade. We were introduced to him at the age of 27. I have a good character, a stable job, respect my elders, know my roots well, and treat me well...
Family and Friendship2024-06-05

Don't worry, girl, we are still together

1 When I returned from my wedding, on the train from Baotou to Qingdao, a girl stayed on my upper bunk. She got on the train from Jiningnan, carrying large and small bags. I helped her put the big box on the luggage rack. , she said thank you. Then treat...
Family and Friendship2024-06-05

I ate that boy's breakfast for a whole year

A story about buying breakfast for his crush: A boy in his senior year of high school bought breakfast for a year for his sophomore girl, but it all was eaten by one of the girl’s best friends. So there were two popular posts: "I ate that boy's breakfas...
Family and Friendship2024-06-05

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Tell me my story. You may see yourself in the story. The self in the story, like Gu Cheng wrote, "The alley/is winding and long/has no doors/no windows/I took an old key/knocked on the thick wall." 1. He is a senior who is a few years older than me. We...
Family and Friendship2024-06-05

It's easy to fall in love, but it's so hard to stay together

Amei and Dashu have been together for ten years. In Amei's words: "Seven years of love and three years of letting go." So, they broke up. How should I put it? When I heard that they were over, sighs were inevitable. After all, it had been ten years! Yo...
Family and Friendship2024-06-05

Why haven't you fallen in love yet?

1 Miss Fuso has never felt that she needs someone to accompany her. She arranges her daily life after get off work in an orderly manner. She cooks and reads on Monday, does beauty and fitness on Tuesday and Thursday, does housework on Wednesday, and goes...
Family and Friendship2024-06-05

Don't let down a girl who will accompany you to live your life with daily necessities.

1 When I was first transferred to Beijing, the company very humanely helped me rent a house in advance for my transition. The house is in an old community in Fengtai. Carrying large and small luggage, I walked through the noisy vegetable market and entere...
Family and Friendship2024-06-05

It's a pity it's not you, it's a pity it's not you

Sigmund Freud once said: "There is no such thing as a joke in the world. All jokes have serious elements." In fact, all youth are like this. They drink wine they shouldn't drink and hold hands with people they shouldn't. Then, my hands hurt after love...
Family and Friendship2024-06-05

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Yiduo insists on not getting married, and Dayong and I both know this. Yiduo asked, why are more and more people choosing to be single now? I know that there are probably two types of so-called singles. One is those who are hurt by love and are unable to...
Family and Friendship2024-06-05

I'll remember you and fall in love with someone else

1. I met Li An in 2011 on Weibo. I saw her sharing Mayday’s song "Suddenly Miss You So Much" and then followed her. At that time, I was busy with the college entrance examination and didn't have much time to chat. The time we had our heart-to-heart tal...
Family and Friendship2024-06-05

I thought you wouldn't come

A week before her wedding, Xiao Sang invited us out for a drink. After three rounds of drinking, everyone raised their glasses to congratulate Xiao Sang. She took a sip of the beer in her glass, her face was slightly smoky, her eyes were blurry, but she d...
Family and Friendship2024-06-05

What are the consequences of having a girlfriend who doesn't make love?

01 When I met my first love, she was only eighteen years old. She was welcoming new students at school that day. When I looked up, I saw her, carrying a backpack, wearing a ponytail, and a pair of smart and beautiful eyes. That was the first time I saw he...
Family and Friendship2024-06-05

Don't come, I don't want to fall in love anymore

I've never been able to figure out exactly why people fall in love with another person. I guess maybe we all have a gap in our hearts. It is a hole, blowing biting cold wind into our souls, so we urgently need a heart with the right shape to fill it. Eve...
Family and Friendship2024-06-05

Landlord's well

Jueku brought the jug to his mouth and smelled a pungent stench. He asked Ganji: "What kind of water is this? It smells so bad that I can't drink it. My throat is so dry and thirsty that it's almost smoking, but you give me this smelly water to drink!...
Family and Friendship2024-05-19

Walk into other people's dreams

On a sunny afternoon, the sun was very bright and the breeze was blowing gently. Although it was a hot wind, at least the air was flowing. The feeling was very different from the rainy afternoons two days ago. Du Xiling didn't invite anyone and went hiki...
Family and Friendship2024-05-19

jenny's indoor plants

Jenny cultivated many indoor plants at home, including fifty or sixty pots of various sizes. Some are placed in the living room, some are placed in the room, and some are suspended. The small balcony is full of greenery. " />
Family and Friendship2024-05-19

Father's concern

During this winter, the only thing my father relied on was his bed. He didn't want to go anywhere except eating and going to the bathroom. From morning to night, I would lean on the bedside, read the day's newspapers, and listen to the radio. The radio...
Family and Friendship2024-05-18

A child's star dream

Once upon a time there was a little boy who was walking in the mountains and fields, wandering around, thinking about all kinds of things. He has a sister, also a child, who is his close companion. They are often daydreaming and curious about everything....
Family and Friendship2024-05-18

If I didn't meet you

Reiko still remembers that when she had her first boyfriend eight years ago, one day when she was just serving tea and drinking water at the KTV without talking, she suddenly had the idea of ​​singing a song. It’s not that Reiko doesn’t sing well, it’s pr...
Family and Friendship2024-05-18

I'm not the one you're waiting for

She curled up in the quilt like a child, her long hair scattered on the pillow, and her long, slightly upturned eyelashes covered her beautiful big eyes. Her small lips sometimes pout, and sometimes curve into a beautiful arc. God knows what kind of dream...
Family and Friendship2024-05-18

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Like is when someone takes a minute to plant a seed, but you are willing to spend your whole life guarding it carefully and let it bloom into four seasons. Xiaoya wrote this sentence on the postcard she sent me. On the front is a lush Chinese Sophora japo...
Family and Friendship2024-05-18

I'm happy to be with you

Miss A had just fallen out of love when she met Mr. C. When it comes to breaking up, the person who mentions it first calls it breakup, and the person who gets dumped calls it lovelorn. From the wording here, you can tell who rejected whom first. And it’s...
Family and Friendship2024-05-18
I'm happy to be with you

Use "deep affection" to love the people you should love, and use "extreme wisdom"

Deep love will not last long, and wisdom will be damaged. This sad sentence is really fond of many crazy men and women. Jingjing is such a loving and intelligent woman, and I just listened to her telling her story quietly. They fell in love for a short ti...
Family and Friendship2024-05-18
