Take good care of your legs and feet and stay strong in your old age

Zhang Xiaoqiang, Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Beijing Geriatric Hospital As the saying goes, “people age first, their legs age.” A faltering step is one of the most obvious signs of aging. This may be because the legs and...
Gender Topics2024-06-05

Neck hanging exercise is risky

Recently, a 57-year-old man in Dianjiang County, Chongqing died unexpectedly when he was accidentally hung up by a rope while exercising on fitness equipment in his community. The person in charge of the relevant departments in Dianjiang County said: "It...
Gender Topics2024-06-05

Female doctors treat patients well

·The latest study found that compared with patients treated by male doctors, patients treated by female doctors had lower mortality rates and lower readmission rates. People often say that "men and women are different." Gender differences are not only r...
Gender Topics2024-06-05

Eat salt substitute, the most cost-effective way to protect your heart

Salt is the most widely used condiment in life, but because people generally consume more of it, it has become an "invisible killer" on the table. How to use salt to balance deliciousness and health? Recently, Wu Yangfeng, deputy director of the Institu...
Gender Topics2024-06-05

Rehabilitation department is becoming more and more popular

Recently, a lot of news about the rehabilitation department has been on the hot searches. On May 15, the Ministry of Education issued the latest announcement that it plans to establish a rehabilitation university in Qingdao, Shandong. In the past spring r...
Gender Topics2024-06-05

Paris newsstands are constantly being upgraded

An Ru, our special correspondent in France, is walking on the streets of Paris, France. From time to time, he can see a small dark green pavilion with a small space. It is full of newspapers, periodicals, books, etc., as well as tourist souvenirs such as...
Gender Topics2024-06-05

Eating regularly can prevent muscle aging

Chen Zonglun Only when the human body's biological clock is consistent with the natural rhythm will the body be healthy. An international study published in the magazine "Science" found that regular meals can regulate the circadian rhythm of muscle cel...
Gender Topics2024-06-05

If you say "please" to acquaintances, nothing will happen.

Zhao Qianzheng No matter which country, people have been taught since childhood to say "please" when making requests, so as to appear polite and respectful. However, a recent study published in the American "Social Psychology Quarterly" shows that the...
Gender Topics2024-06-05

Make middle-aged women "wet"

Peng Danhong, chief physician of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Zhongda Hospital Affiliated to Southeast University, couldn't get in for a long time, couldn't get water after repeated stimulation, and felt strong pain during thrusting......
Gender Topics2024-06-05

After the age of 36, "sex" gradually becomes better

People may be used to thinking that the twenties, when they are extremely physically strong and sexually attractive, are the peak period of quality of sexual life. However, a survey of 2,600 people conducted by the "Natural Cycle" website of Liangxing.c...
Gender Topics2024-06-05

"Penis training method" treats premature ejaculation in four weeks

For patients with premature ejaculation who are ineffective in drug treatment or have side effects and are unwilling to undergo surgical treatment, it is effective to take some behavioral therapies at home. A paper published in the journal "Chinese Sexua...
Gender Topics2024-06-05

When you're hungry, you're more likely to argue with your partner

Fighting can be an inevitable part of marriage. For some couples, a trip to the kitchen may help resolve an argument. Hunger is the culprit in many couples' fights, according to a new study from The Ohio State University. Scholars from the university's...
Gender Topics2024-06-04

Couples "match old and young", pay attention to changing positions during sex

With the continuous improvement of social openness, "old husband and young wife" or "old wife and young husband" are becoming more and more common. Although love has no age limit, sex sometimes encounters difficulties due to the huge age difference. G...
Gender Topics2024-06-04

Eight "destroying" things in marriage that are easily ignored

Chang Zhao, our special correspondent in the United States, marriage may make people enjoy heaven-like happiness, or it may endure hell-like torture. The key lies in how to manage and communicate. On March 26, the famous American sexology magazine "Red B...
Gender Topics2024-06-04

French scholar draws detailed global "sexuality map"

According to Agence France-Presse, after 18 months of investigation and research, French geographers released a global "sexual map". It describes global sexual habits and current status of sexual problems in detail through maps. "Sex Map" shows that i...
Gender Topics2024-06-04

"Couple's disease" needs to be treated by husband and wife together

A long-lasting treatment made Ms. Chen realize for the first time that there is not only "couples' appearance" in this world, but also "couples' disease". At the end of 2007, Ms. Chen went to the hospital for treatment due to cervical erosion and re...
Gender Topics2024-06-04

Men also have a "map of sexually sensitive areas"

Modern sexual science research believes that the most important thing in sexual feelings is touch. Caressing and kissing sensitive parts can fully open the door to sexual pleasure. People usually think that women have more sensitive parts. In fact, men al...
Gender Topics2024-06-04

Only by clearing up misunderstandings can we successfully "create people"

Many couples go the extra mile to have sex in order to have a healthy baby. However, people have many misunderstandings in terms of "creating humans". Recently, the American "Live Science" magazine helped people correct these misunderstandings. Myth 1...
Gender Topics2024-06-04

The first "Urinary Health Day" launched in Beijing

Initiated by Professor Guo Yinglu, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a famous urological expert, the launch ceremony of my country's first "6.16 Urinary Health Day" was held in Beijing on the 16th, aiming to call on more people t...
Gender Topics2024-06-04

The latest survey from many countries shows that sterilization by husbands increases sexual interest

Male sterilization is a once-and-for-all method of contraception, but many men worry that the surgery will affect their sex life. A new study published in the International Journal of Sexual Medicine stated that a husband's sterilization not only has no...
Gender Topics2024-06-04

Make it to 11 o'clock, sex will be better

Some people feel that perfect sex requires mastering many techniques and trying many positions. However, a recent cover article in the American "Women's Health" magazine pointed out that some unexpected factors in life will affect your sex life. If you...
Gender Topics2024-06-04

What makes you "uninterested"

There is too much pressure at work and they are not in the mood, they feel that they are out of shape, they have no passion after being together for a long time... There are various reasons for people to refuse sex, but the result is often only one: the s...
Gender Topics2024-06-04

Give her an unforgettable sex on Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is a romantic and sweet day. On this day, partners send each other gifts, express their love and enjoy romance. Recently, a survey released by a large dating website in the United States showed that 70% of women believe that "a perfect s...
Gender Topics2024-06-04

Don't threaten men with sex

Ms. Wang, a reader from Guangdong, asked: My husband and I lived a happy world after marriage. One night, my husband and I had a conflict over a small matter. I said angrily: "I don't want to be intimate with you anymore. Don't even think about touchin...
Gender Topics2024-06-04
