Don't bother me, someone who doesn't care about you

I don’t know if you have ever met such a person. While chatting, you got distracted and he pulled away. Maybe he was interested in you, but it can't be called like. He doesn't have you in his heart, so he regards you as a pastime when he is lonely and a...
Love Topics2024-06-05

That's all I want

What I want is that when I am lonely and helpless, someone can call me and talk to me, letting me know that I am not alone. To me, this is more interesting than any movie, more real than any book, and makes me feel warm. Because I can feel that even thoug...
Love Topics2024-06-05

One person understands one person's grievances

Have you ever experienced something suddenly clear to you in a flash? Have you ever suddenly discovered that you are actually a little lonely despite being surrounded by many people every day? Have you ever found that you don't like to be gregarious less...
Love Topics2024-06-05
One person understands one person's grievances

"The Rest of My Life Without You": Once some people miss it, they really pass it by

If I could do it again, I hope it’s not you I met once. If I could do it again, I hope it’s not you who remains in my memory. If possible, I hope it’s not you who is sealed in my heart. If I could do it all over again, I hope that from the moment I first...
Love Topics2024-06-05

It seems like I'm just a little bit closer to being with you forever

Adults always want to tell the world about their happiness, but once they encounter sad things, they secretly hide their loss, pretend as if nothing has happened, and continue to live full of vigor. Everyone is trying to look careless, pretending not to b...
Love Topics2024-06-05

People's hearts gradually become colder

When two people are together, they are not afraid of quarrels, but they are afraid that they won't even have a quarrel. Having nothing to say is the scariest thing. 01. Probably everyone has had a similar experience: When I was a child, I would exaggerat...
Love Topics2024-06-05
People's hearts gradually become colder

The more I think about it, the angrier I get, the more I think about it when I step back, the more I

There is a saying that everyone tries hard to do, but always fails to do well: Don’t get entangled when you encounter bad things, don’t get entangled when you encounter bad people. I have always supported this view. We really don’t have so much time to wa...
Love Topics2024-06-05

It's important to find someone who cares about you

In a movie, I was deeply moved by a line, "The most beautiful thing in the world is to love and be loved, and to give each other reciprocally." True love is to feel sorry for the other person from the bottom of the heart and want to protect him or her....
Love Topics2024-06-05

It's easy to love someone, but it's so hard to let go of someone!

If you and I had never met, I think I would meet someone else. Now that we have met, at a certain moment, I thought it would be you for the rest of my life. If we had never fallen in love, maybe I would have fallen in love with another person, but one day...
Love Topics2024-06-05
It's easy to love someone, but it's so hard to let go of someone!

In everyone's heart, there is someone who cannot be forgotten.

In "Half Life", Manzhen said to Shijun: "There is a person in this world who is always waiting for you. No matter when or where you are, you know that there is always such a person." More than ten years later , Shijun opened the yellowed letter, and t...
Love Topics2024-06-05
In everyone's heart, there is someone who cannot be forgotten.

I'm living a good life, but it's a pity that I don't have you anymore

I always felt that the greatest love in the world would be a ceremonial event that would move the world and move the world with great force. But it wasn’t until I left my hometown for many years, until I started to get used to an empty room, and until I a...
Love Topics2024-06-05
I'm living a good life, but it's a pity that I don't have you anymore

I just want someone who won't leave

Crying, making trouble, being impulsive, being pretentious, this is probably what falling in love is like when you are young. At that time, what relationships wanted was a feeling, and they often just put their love on the lips. Because I'm young, I don...
Love Topics2024-06-05
I just want someone who won't leave

No matter how deep the relationship is, it can't withstand your indifference

The luckiest thing in the world is that someone cares about you. The saddest thing is that the person you care about doesn't care about you at all. The feelings between people are mutual. The so-called friendship is never one-sided. No matter how tightly...
Love Topics2024-06-05
No matter how deep the relationship is, it can't withstand your indifference

If we don't owe each other, how can we meet each other?

There is a sentence in "Ali: Forever Station": We will meet 8,263,563 people in our lives, we will greet 39,778 people, we will be familiar with 3,619 people, and we will get close to 275 people, but in the end, we will all be lost in the sea of ​​​​peo...
Love Topics2024-06-05
If we don't owe each other, how can we meet each other?

Good night, don't wait for the person who can't reply to your message

I don’t know if you have ever had this experience: lying in bed with dark circles under your eyes, waiting for another person to reply to you. You are obviously too sleepy to open your eyes, but you are still feeling lucky. I was afraid that if I closed m...
Love Topics2024-06-05
Good night, don't wait for the person who can't reply to your message

Why can't I get the love I want despite my sincerity?

Each of us may have had this experience. Sometimes we are nice to others, but others seem unwilling to appreciate it, and may even find it annoying in turn. I have always believed that love should be evenly matched and should not care about efforts. But w...
Love Topics2024-06-05
Why can't I get the love I want despite my sincerity?

It doesn't matter, everything will pass

Life is indeed difficult sometimes. Maybe you have worked very hard, but you are still far from the ending you want. Maybe you are full of longing and expectations, but all you get in the end is disappointment. I think you must have had such a time. If yo...
Love Topics2024-06-05
It doesn't matter, everything will pass

Don't lose someone who treats you well so easily

Last night I saw a message from a netizen saying: “I still remember when I was sad and sad, you always stayed with me day and night; I still remember when I came home late from working overtime, you always turned on the light and waited for me to come hom...
Love Topics2024-06-05
Don't lose someone who treats you well so easily

I'm not single, I'm just waiting for someone

Have you ever broken down and cried late at night, or told someone you missed when you were drunk? You said you were used to being single, but you still refused to let go of that person. You say you are fine on your own, carefree and unrestrained, but no...
Love Topics2024-06-05
I'm not single, I'm just waiting for someone

I've had enough of the pain of being involuntarily

I once saw a sentence like this: "There is really too much helplessness, too much sorrow, and too much helplessness in this world. Who can keep their true intentions on the long road? Forget it, let's make the final effort!" Reality , it seems that eve...
Love Topics2024-06-05

I'm not the best, but I'm the one you'll never meet again

No one is perfect, and so do I. I know that I am not the best, and I have many small flaws and problems, but I have been working hard to live my life. I am not the best, but I am unique. I am a bit stubborn and a bit upright. I often speak without thinkin...
Love Topics2024-06-05
I'm not the best, but I'm the one you'll never meet again

It's cold, I want to hug you

The temperature has become lower and lower recently, and the weather has become colder and colder. I heard that one way to keep warm when it gets cold is to hold you. I wonder where is the person who wants to hug you right now? Where is the person you wan...
Love Topics2024-06-05
It's cold, I want to hug you

It's not easy to meet, it's even harder to know each other

We will meet many people in our life, who may accompany you for a journey or may accompany you for a lifetime, but everything we meet is fate. Some people say that fate is not about meeting people in a sea of ​​people, but about missing each other before...
Love Topics2024-06-05
It's not easy to meet, it's even harder to know each other

It's not that you are busy, it's just that I'm not important enough

"How far do I have to go before I can enter your heart? How long do I have to go before I can get close to you?" Many people said, especially wanting to tell this sentence to that busy person. You have loved someone for too long, and you have been despe...
Love Topics2024-06-05
It's not that you are busy, it's just that I'm not important enough
