The wife's "infertility" is related to her husband's work. 7 reasons may kill th

category:Gender Topics newstime:06-02-2024

Global Times Health Client Reporter Zhang Mian

After three years of marriage, his wife has never been pregnant, which is very worrying for 29-year-old Xiao Liu. Before, my wife went to the hospital for a check-up, which showed that everything was normal. Xiao Liu suspected that the problem was his own, so he went to the reproductive medicine department of Shulan (Hangzhou) Hospital for an examination and found that he had severe weak sperm. After the doctor learned about Xiao Liu's situation in detail, he believed that it had a lot to do with his occupation: Xiao Liu was a chef and worked in a high-temperature environment for a long time, which caused the sperm to be "heated to death."

Department of Andrology, Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences Deputy Chief Physician Wang Fu said in an interview with a reporter from "Global Times Health Client": "In recent years, many research reports have shown that male sperm quality has been declining year by year, leading to an increasing prevalence of infertility. In addition to common smoking, In addition to bad lifestyle habits such as drinking, there are also many occupational environmental factors that quietly 'kill' sperm and affect male fertility."

1. High temperature. Under normal circumstances, the temperature of the testicles in the scrotum is 2°C to 3°C lower than the body temperature. That is to say, only at about 35°C can the spermatogenic cells in the testicles grow, develop and differentiate into sperm. If this temperature is exceeded for a long time, spermatogenic cells will shrink and become fewer, and the number and vitality of sperm will gradually decrease. "Mr. Liu's job as a chef determines that he needs to stay in a high-temperature environment for a long time. Sometimes the room temperature will even exceed 40°C, and the temperature of the scrotum will also rise accordingly, and the sperm will be heated to death. In addition to being a chef, steel-making, Workers in iron plants also need to be exposed to high temperatures for a long time, which can easily affect sperm quality."

2. Radiation. Ionizing radiation is divided into natural radiation and artificial radiation. The former comes from the sun and cosmic rays. Most of this type of radiation is harmless to the human body, but pilots receive a higher dose of natural radiation, which may affect fertility. The latter mainly comes from medical radiation inspection, exploration and mining of raw materials in the nuclear industry, cultivation of new varieties by radiation in agriculture, fruit and vegetable preservation and grain storage, etc. Personnel engaged in related industries need special protection. In addition, some of the marble materials used in decoration are radioactive. The radiation range is wide and lasts for a long time. It is a common culprit that affects sperm quality. Decoration workers are likely to suffer from it unknowingly.

3. Home decoration pollution. Wang Fu said that home decoration materials and paints and coatings contain formaldehyde, dibromochloropropane, methyl ethyl ketone and many other harmful poisons with reproductive toxicity. People who have been engaged in decoration, chemical and other industries for a long time will continuously be exposed to toxic substances. Inhaled into the body, it may affect endocrine metabolism and normal sperm production.

4. Car exhaust. Car exhaust and sheet metal spray paint contain a large number of harmful substances, such as sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, etc. Automobile manufacturing workers are exposed to these substances for a long time, and accumulation will occurSexual damage not only affects reproductive health, but may also increase the incidence of tumors and other diseases.

5. Work the night shift. Wang Fu said that from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the kidneys govern reproduction, and people in industries such as IT, design, reporters, and writers often burn the midnight oil. Staying up late all night will damage kidney essence and affect sperm quality. From the perspective of Western medicine, staying up late and working overtime can lead to lack of sleep, endocrine disorders, and decreased sperm quality.

6. Sitting for long periods of time. Clinical findings indicate that drivers and other special occupational groups are several times more likely to suffer from prostatitis than ordinary people. The reason is that sitting for long periods of time can lead to poor blood flow in the scrotum, perineum and other parts of the body. Over time, dampness, heat and blood stasis blocking the lower burner can induce urogenital system infections such as prostatitis and epididymitis.

7. Wear tights. In order to improve sports performance and protect the body, many athletes need to wear tights. But underwear that is too tight is not conducive to sperm production. When the scrotum is tightly wrapped in a narrow space and lacks air circulation, the temperature will rise, hindering sperm production.

"If occupational factors cannot be changed, it is recommended that everyone try to minimize the degree of harm by improving the following aspects." Wang Fu reminded that men should try to avoid smoking and drinking; wear masks, mouth masks when working in a polluted environment stuff; usually eat more fruits and vegetables to supplement vitamins and minerals; make time to exercise regularly. Harvard University research in the United States found that men who engage in moderate to high-intensity exercise for at least 15 hours a week have higher sperm concentrations than men who exercise less. ; Wear loose clothes and go outdoors regularly to "dissipate heat" after staying in a high-temperature environment for a long time, and go to saunas and steam baths less often; When you are stressed, do something to relax yourself, such as walking outdoors, talking to others Chat with friends or family, etc.; those engaged in high-risk industries are advised to undergo regular physical examinations, such as semen analysis and other related examinations, to determine sperm motility and fertility.

Editor in charge: Zhang Yu

Editor in chief: Ding Wenjun

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