My brain is numb, I look for the reason from nine places

category:Philosophy of Life newstime:05-06-2024

In recent life and work, do you feel that you are becoming more and more dull and lazy? If it is not caused by deliberate laziness, you should be alert to various changes in the body and mind. The American "Active Life" website recently summarized this.

1. High pressure. If you feel exhausted and your brain is like mush for a period of time, the first reason you should think of is physical fatigue and emotional exhaustion caused by tension and anxiety. This sluggishness is caused by a combination of personal life and workplace stress. It is recommended to try to change the environment, not to overwork, and to learn to rest and relax, such as meditation, rhythmic breathing and physical exercise.

2. Insomnia. Insomnia can be one of the main contributors to feeling sluggish the next day. There are many causes of insomnia, including sleep disorders, sleep apnea, and circadian rhythm disorders. If you have long-term insomnia, the best way is to seek help from a professional psychologist, as this can easily develop into a chronic disease.

3. Intestinal microbiota imbalance. The digestive system has subtle effects on chemicals in the brain. When the gut microbiome is imbalanced, it can lead to a variety of problems in the body, including memory, thinking, mood problems, and fatigue. If you want to solve the problem of unhealthy intestines, you need to "keep your mouth shut." Cutting back on high-sugar, high-carbohydrate and processed foods, eating more fruits and vegetables, and adding probiotics to your diet can also help restore balance to your gut microbiome.

4. Immune diseases. Physical illness affects cognitive and emotional functions. Among them, autoimmune diseases cause the body to attack itself, and while symptoms vary, sluggishness and exhaustion are the most common. If you have an autoimmune disease such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, vitiligo, Crohn's disease, and multiple sclerosis, you should take necessary treatment to minimize your symptoms.

5. Lack of vitamins. Insufficient intake of certain vitamins can lead to physical and psychological discomfort. For example, a lack of vitamin D can lead to depression and lack of energy at work; a lack of vitamin B12 can lead to irritability and lack of concentration. It is recommended to supplement appropriately under the guidance of a doctor.

6. Thyroid problems. The thyroid is responsible for regulating many functions in the body, including the heart. When thyroid levels are too low or too high, it can lead to abnormalities in energy metabolism, with patients feeling tired, sensitive to heat and cold, and gaining or losing weight. A simple blood test can confirm whether your thyroid is functioning properly and whether you need medication to treat the disorder.

7. Bacterial and viral infections. Latent bacterial and viral infections can pose health risks. Helicobacter pylori, for example, can cause you to develop peptic ulcers, which can affect the absorption of nutrients and lead to a loss of energy. Other infections, such as urinary tract infections, can also cause sluggishness and procrastination. Recommend to doctorWith regular treatment under the guidance of a professional, after the cause of the disease is removed, the energy can be restored, and the vitality and spirit will return.

8. Depression and anxiety. A typical feature of depression is that patients feel tired all the time, making simple tasks such as taking a shower a struggle. When anxiety and depression are combined, the situation is even worse. If you are diagnosed with a psychological disorder, you should take antidepressant and anti-anxiety drugs as directed by your doctor to control physical symptoms, and receive cognitive behavioral therapy if necessary. In addition, active exercise can also help restore the balance of chemicals in the brain and relieve mental symptoms.

9. Got fat. Every 0.5 kilogram increase in weight will significantly increase the stress on the body; being overweight can even force the heart and other organs to work overtime, making people feel exhausted. If you have gained a lot of weight over a period of time, you need to control yourself, balance your diet, reduce your caloric intake, and actively participate in physical exercise.

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