The greater the gap between rich and poor, the more popular luxury goods are.

category:Philosophy of Life newstime:05-06-2024

High consumption is also related to androgens and conservative thinking

Huang Yuanyuan, a psychotherapist at Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine

I remember that in the 1980s, if you had A three-piece set of "bicycle, sewing machine, and television" was a great gift for getting married. In an era when the average monthly salary was only a few dozen yuan, these were luxuries, but they had great practical value. Nowadays, new mobile phones, computers, and limited edition and sky-high-priced bags of various luxury brands are popular as soon as they go on sale. However, the practical functions are not directly proportional to the price, and people still flock to them. What do these people who "only buy expensive ones, not the right ones" think?

According to a series of physiological-psychological studies on luxury goods purchases conducted by Singaporean and American scholars, they found that people love There are three main reasons for buying luxury goods:

Testosterone stimulation. The love of luxury goods is related to biological factors. Research has found that increased levels of testosterone (androgen) secretion can fuel people's desire for luxury goods. The researchers divided men into two groups, one group was injected with testosterone, and the other group was injected with a placebo as a control. They found that the men who were given testosterone had a significantly higher tendency towards luxury goods. In another experiment, consumers who were stimulated to secrete testosterone also chose more expensive products when the salesperson was a handsome guy with a strong build, and this effect was more obvious among shorter consumers.

Social comparison. Many people use luxury goods to prove their “worth.” This kind of thinking is more obvious among more traditional and conservative people. They believe that luxury goods can distinguish their social class from others, and spending a lot of money on luxury goods is to prove their economic strength, "I am richer than you." Of course, not all people who buy expensive things do it out of comparison and show off. Some people are pragmatic and choose items that suit their own use and aesthetics based on their use, culture, art and other values.

Regional concept. Through big data analysis, researchers found that in areas with income inequality, people are more sensitive to "status." A study in the United States found that in places where the gap between rich and poor is large, the usage rate of luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton and Rolex is 70%, while in places where the income gap is small, this difference is not significant; and , high-end brands in places where the gap between rich and poor is large have a greater proportion of their pictures being searched on the Internet. We should also realize that in many less affluent areas, no matter what class they are in, people dress more carefully when going out. "Face" is more important and they try to elevate themselves on the surface.

With the development of the times, luxury goods are no longer limited to brands. Now more advanced and luxurious weddings, education, and medical care have become a type of luxury goods. Although luxury goods can give us a sense of superiority, if we are obsessed with luxury goods, it may reflect our personal psychological weakness: we are empty inside and need material filling to bring us a sense of superiority and satisfaction. This is a dangerous psychological signal. It is recommended that you fundamentally understand your own needs, build self-confidence, and achieve satisfaction from the inside out, so that you can betterRealize yourself and gain true happiness and satisfaction.

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