Uncovering the subtle connection between money and sex

category:Gender Topics newstime:05-06-2024

If a person thinks that his wallet has nothing to do with "sexual happiness", he is totally wrong. Recently, the American "Money" magazine conducted a detailed investigation of more than 1,000 married couples, revealing the subtle connection between money and sex life.

When sex is boring, you will care more about money. If a couple finds sex life boring or has serious sexual problems, people will pay more attention to money and spend more time checking their accounts.

Sexual cues make women want to spend more money. One study found that women feel the urge to spend more money after being kissed, caressed or sexually suggestive by a man. Therefore, if a man wants to save money when going shopping with his wife or girlfriend, he must not use sexual hints to tease her.

Couples with equal incomes have more passionate sex lives. According to the Money magazine survey, 51% of families reported that their sex life was "very good" or "passionate" if the couples had similar income levels. Especially when the wife's income is similar to that of her husband, the men surveyed said they felt their sex life was more passionate.

Money issues can lead to “destroying” heated arguments. Nothing kills a couple's interest in sex faster than a heated argument. A recent survey found that family finances are the most common cause of arguments between couples. Be sure to keep those embarrassing money conversations out of the bedroom so they don't detract from the wonderful moments.

A salary increase can improve your sex life. According to a study published in the International Journal of Human Resources, promotion and salary increase will significantly increase the frequency of sexual intercourse over a period of time. Correspondingly, more sex life can inspire people to work hard and make money.

Women pay more attention to money than to sex life. A new survey found that 77% of women spend more time thinking about money than their sex life. Some experts believe that in order to have a more fulfilling sex life, women must change this immediately.

Money pressure makes people not want to have sex. A new study finds that money stress can cause people to wander during sex, making them less able to concentrate on it and causing them to feel uncomfortable during sex.

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