Latest British research finds: Poor sense of smell ruins sex

category:Gender Topics newstime:05-06-2024

According to the British "Daily Mail" report on May 27, the latest research completed by scientists shows that people with a sense of smell are not only prone to gain weight, but also have a devastating impact on their sexual desire.

Professor Tim Jacobs, an olfactory research expert at Cardiff University in the UK, pointed out that olfactory failure is extremely damaging to health. First, an impaired sense of smell can lead to eating problems and obesity. Secondly, obesity can affect hormone levels in the body, causing problems with sexual desire. Thirdly, diet and obesity problems will reduce blood flow and body energy, affecting the normal sexual function of men and women.

Dr. Carl Philpott, an ear, nose and throat specialist at James Paget University Hospital in the UK, said that smell is an important way of communication between partners. In addition, smell also plays a role in the process of choosing a partner. indispensable role. A study completed by the Max Planck Society in Germany found that when people choose a partner, they instinctively use their noses to judge whether the partner is suitable for them based on their smell. In addition, scientists also said that women’s sense of smell is more sensitive than men’s. During ovulation, estrogen levels are highest and the sense of smell is also the most sensitive.

Researchers pointed out that in the relationship between the sexes, protecting the sense of smell is extremely important. People should be active because more exercise can increase nasal airflow, which in turn activates olfactory receptors and improves smell ability.

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