American marriage experts summarize and reveal the secrets of long-lasting couples

category:Gender Topics newstime:05-06-2024

When men and women enter the marriage hall, they all hope to grow old together and hold hands for a lifetime. , and to achieve this goal, you might as well work hard according to the 10 suggestions given by many marriage experts asked by the American "Women's Health" magazine.

1. Sleeping in each other’s arms. If one party's body bends into a spoon shape to "hug" the lover while sleeping, it means that the marriage between the two is really sweet. A recent British study found that couples who slept less than an inch (about 2.5 centimeters) apart had greater marital happiness and sexual satisfaction.

2. Say thank you often. In married life, saying "thank you" is as important as saying "I love you." Studies have found that expressing gratitude to each other can go a long way toward improving marital relationships.

3. My husband is healthy and optimistic. A recent study shows that a husband with good health and an optimistic personality will make a happy and perfect marriage. The study found that if the husband has an optimistic and positive personality, there will be less conflict in the marriage, but the impact of the wife's health and personality traits on marital happiness is not obvious.

4. The wording is consistent. Research has found that if men and women use the same functional words, such as personal pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions and quantifiers, the two people are more likely to hold hands and become partners, and the marriage relationship will last longer.

5. Like to kiss. If your partner thinks you are too clingy and doesn't want to kiss you, you can use this reason to convince him or her: Research has found that the more couples kiss, the higher their marital satisfaction. So when you leave for work or before you fall asleep, give your loved one a deep kiss.

6. Four people on a date. If a couple regularly meets up with another couple to have dinner together, then the relationship between the two couples is definitely strong. Because according to a recent study, pairing up helps couples feel more connected.

7. A wife can make more money. A recent study found that couples raising young children between the ages of 4 and 7 were less likely to divorce if the wife made more money than the husband.

8. Watch romantic movies together. A new study found that couples who often watch romantic movies together and discuss plot developments are 50% less likely to break up within the next three years than couples who don't watch romance movies together.

9. Have the intuition of a stable marriage. Newlyweds' intuition is an important "indicator" of how their relationship will develop in the future, a new study has found. Therefore, you must trust your intuition in marriage. If your intuition tells you that the two of you are a happy match, then the marriage relationship will definitely be correct and destined to last for a long time.

10. Lots of sex. A recent study suggests that regular sex can contribute to a happy, long-lasting marriage. Other studies have found that sex can also make couples feel happier individually. Therefore, when living at home, it is often necessary to be willing toMust be the goal pursued by husband and wife, and they must not quarrel frequently. (Li Yuekang)

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