Healthy sex can prolong life and orgasm

category:Gender Topics newstime:04-03-2024

Why do we need to have sex? Having sex between husband and wife is not only for venting lust, but also for harmonious coexistence between husband and wife. The most important thing is to extend your life.

1. Effectively reduce the occurrence of heart disease and myocardial infarction

Sex life can allow the pelvis, limbs, joints, muscles, and spine to move more, promote blood circulation, and enhance heart function. and lung capacity. People who have a harmonious sex life have at least 10% less risk of heart disease than people who have a disharmonious sex life. However, there are also reports that some people died suddenly during sexual intercourse due to sudden myocardial infarction. Therefore, if the body has found signs of heart disease, you should avoid being too intense during sexual intercourse.

2. Reduce the occurrence of skin diseases and promote beauty

Poor blood circulation in the skin can lead to skin diseases such as acne and acne. Moderate sex will accelerate blood circulation, balance metabolism, make skin smooth and tender, and prevent and treat skin diseases. The Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland conducted a ten-year follow-up study on 3,500 people (aged 18 to 102 years old) in Europe and the United States and found that 25% of a person's appearance comes from genetics and 75% from behavior, and behavior includes three factors: physical movement, psychology Activities, sex. It can be said that regular sex can make people more beautiful, but the reverse is not necessarily true.

3. Improve the disease resistance of the immune system

< p>Modern civilized life, air conditioning, traveling by car, air pollution, lack of exercise, etc. have made people's immune systems more fragile than before, and huge work pressure has reduced human immune function. Sexual life can balance the secretion of the adrenal glands and keep the immune system in a better state. This is opposite to AIDS (acquired immune deficiency) caused by promiscuity.

4. Semen helps to remove vaginal bacteria

Experiments have proven that there is an antibacterial substance in semen - semen Cytosin, which can kill Staphylococcus and Streptococcusbacteria, pneumococci and other pathogenic bacteria. Although there are ingredients in semen that kill pathogenic bacteria, you cannot think that you do not need to go to the hospital for treatment when you are sick. After all, this antiseptic ingredient is very small and is not enough to protect the body from being invaded by pathogenic bacteria. It is misunderstood that frequent sexual intercourse is used as antibiotics.

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