There are seven characteristics of aggressive people

category:Philosophy of Life newstime:05-05-2024

Some people are always aggressive in life, always looking for trouble, arguing or even provoking troubles, which makes people feel "difficult to deal with." Recently, psychologists from the University of Georgia in the United States found that these people who are always naysayers, aggressive, and difficult to deal with have seven unique personality traits.

532 college students participated in the study , they need to pass an experiment to express the degree of "antagonism" in their interpersonal relationships, and at the same time fill in a scale related to personality traits. It was found that those who are highly confrontational and difficult to get along with aggressive people have seven main characteristics: 1. Insensitivity and lack of sympathy or concern for others; 2. Self-centeredness and always feeling that they are better than others; 3. Strong aggression, Hostile and rude to others; 4. Skeptical, with a strong and unreasonable distrust of others; 5. Manipulative, likes to use others to benefit oneself; 6. Bossy, eager to establish authority, loves to control; 7. Risk-taking, Likes to experience excitement through risky behavior.

The findings, published in Personality Disorders: Theory, Research and Treatment, suggest that aggressive people have poor interpersonal relationships and are highly prone to crime, aggression and substance abuse. ;People who are highly aggressive may also be diagnosed with antisocial or narcissistic personality disorder. Understanding these seven factors can help us identify aggressive people around us and proactively take preventive measures to reduce their adverse effects and harm. (Wang Haiyang)

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