Huffington Post: 6 secrets to lasting love

category:Gender Topics newstime:05-06-2024

Love between the sexes is an innate ability, but whether love lasts depends on many factors. Recently, the American "Huffington Post" published an article that published the "6 Secrets of Long-lasting Love" that have been scientifically proven.

1. Believe that love can accompany you throughout your life. In a study published in the American Journal of Social Psychological and Personality Science, researchers followed a group of couples for 10 years. 40% of the participants said that the love between husband and wife was "very strong." American psychologist Dr. Adaoli Durayappa said that long-term love can bring a lot to people, such as a sense of security, a calm mind, and a strong relationship between husband and wife. Therefore, if you want your love to last forever, you must first believe that true love is eternal.

2. Keep it like a first date. No matter how you look at the other person on the first date, you will always find the other person's strengths, and you will feel that the other person is the most attractive. Once you stay together for a long time, the shortcomings of your partner and yourself will gradually be exposed, and you will easily suffer from aesthetic fatigue. Maintaining that "first date" feel is crucial to maintaining lasting love. After sorting out and analyzing the results of nearly 500 related studies, the University of Geneva recommends that couples should maintain "positive fantasies" about their lovers - handsome, smart, interesting and considerate.

3. Try new things together. A study published in the American magazine "Psychology Today" found that couples often watch sports games or go to the theater together and try new things together, which is useful for showing their hobbies, bringing them closer to each other, and helping to "preserve their love." During this process, both husband and wife must be tolerant and cooperative with each other.

4. Maintain a certain degree of independence. The world's top expert on marriage and love, psychologist Esther Perel of Columbia University in the United States, said that greed is the enemy of lasting desire. Husband and wife give each other a certain amount of space and independence, allowing him or her to do what they are good at, which helps create the "beauty of distance" and makes it easier to discover each other's "sparkling points." Taking a long-term view will help your love last longer.

5. Be passionate about life. The American "Psychology Today" magazine published a new study completed by Dr. Susan Krause Whitburn, a psychology expert at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, and her colleagues. They found that a higher enthusiasm for life is more helpful in maintaining Lifelong romantic love. The reason is that people who invest great passion and strong emotions in their daily lives are also more likely to be more passionate in love.

6. Focus on self-realization. A new study completed by Dr. Eli J. Finkel, a professor of social psychology at Northwestern University, found that as times change, more and more people are paying more attention to self-realization and the realization of personal values ​​in marriage. Such a marriage satisfies both parties, but requires both parties to devote more time and energy to the marriage.

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