
category:Family and Friendship newstime:03-24-2024

A private house is located in the garden. The garden is very large, with a stream running through it. At this time, there were two children in the garden, one could not speak yet, and the other was a little older. They were sitting together on a sleigh. The younger one...

A private house is located in the garden. The garden is very large, with a stream running through it. At this time, there were two children in the garden, one could not speak yet, and the other was a little older. They were sitting together on a sleigh. The younger child was crying, and the older one said, "It's time to give me the sleigh to play with." The younger one burst into tears and shouted. A man walked out of the house and said, "Whoever makes trouble will come in." After that, he walked back to the house and closed the door. The younger child continued to cry. The man appeared at the door again, he said, come in, come on, come in. Don't dawdle. Whoever makes trouble will come in.

Come in. The man walked in and the door slammed shut. The younger child was clinging to the sled rope and sobbing. The man opened the door and said, "You can sled, but don't make any noise." Whoever makes trouble will come in. Yes, yes, yes, yes. From now on, no one is allowed to make trouble. The older children said that Andreas always wanted to skate alone. The man said, "Whoever makes trouble will come in, no matter if his name is Andreas or whatever." He closed the door. The older child took the sled from the younger child. The younger child started sobbing again, screaming, howling, and crying. The man walks out of the house. The older child gave the sled back to the younger child. The younger children got on the sled and slid away. The man looked up at the sky. The sky is blue. The sun is big and red. The temperature is very low. The man whistled loudly, walked into the house again, and closed the door behind him. The older children shouted, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Andreas stopped giving me the sled. The door opened, and the man stuck out his head and said, "Whoever makes trouble will come in," and the door will be closed. The older children shouted, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy - and Andreas fell into the stream. The door was opened a crack, and a man's roar could be heard, asking me to tell you as many times as you want, and whoever makes trouble will come in.

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